SI GROUP Certified Pension Consultants is Hawaii’s largest third-party administration (TPA) firm for tax-qualified retirement plans.
In business for over 35 years, we administer more than 925 profit sharing, 401(k), money purchase, 403(b), cash balance and defined benefit pension plans for 25,000 participants. The total value of assets in these plans exceeds $2.8 billion.
SI GROUP employs a higher percentage of credentialed employees than other TPAs in the area. This gives us an unequaled level of expertise and allows us to work with the most complex plan designs, custom-tailoring solutions to meet our clients’ needs. We first achieved the ASPPA Service Provider Certification in 2009 and since then have met all renewal certification requirements annually. Additionally, we partner with recordkeepers and advisors to offer unbundled, investment independent (open architecture) alternatives.
SI GROUP specializes in retirement planning.
That’s all we do—and we do it exceptionally well.
SI GROUP doesn’t sell proprietary or other investment products, or perform investment services like other large industry TPAs.
Thanks to alliances we have forged with many recordkeeping and custodial platforms, our clients have access to virtually the entire universe of investment selections. This approach allows customers to select, and easily change, the most appropriate advisor, investment vehicle or recordkeeper, a service that often is viewed by plan sponsors as a significant advantage.
We partner with leading law firms, investment advisors and accountants to help our clients achieve successful retirement plan strategies.
Because we do not sell investments or provide investment advice, we are free to focus solely on the needs of our clients. Whether you are looking to create a basic profit-sharing plan or a more complex arrangement to optimize tax benefits and long-range savings, we will work with you and your trusted advisors to design and manage a successful retirement plan.
Our mission is to provide clients with peace of mind by delivering services that are unsurpassed by any other TPA firm in Hawaii and the United States. We do this by delivering accuracy, reliability and consistency every day for every client. Each team member of SI GROUP knows “why,” “what,” and “how” we do what we do and comes to work committed to do his or her best work.
SI GROUP isn’t the right choice for every plan. In fact, in our role as consultant we may advise against using our services. But if you’re looking for the best at a competitive price, SI Group is your choice.
SI GROUP Delivers